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Shepherd's crooks

Shepherd's crooks

Discover our range of shepherd's crook walking sticks

Shepherds crook walking sticks
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Find beautifully made country shepherd's crook walking sticks

Classic Canes stocks a range of shepherd's crooks walking sticks ideal for country occasions. Shepherd's crooks are a traditional stick that can be used for shepherding duties as well as country outdoor activities. It is a sturdy stick with a hook at the end that functions like a handle but is also usually wide enough to fit around the neck of a sheep. The traditional and genuine shape of a shepherd's crook has made it a popular and practical country walking stick over the years. Shepherd's crooks make the perfect gift for someone living in the countryside, for a special occasion or for a collector.
The shepherd's crooks by Classic Canes include sticks that are handmade out of ash, chestnut and hazel. The wood has been steamed into the traditional shepherd's crook shape. Ash wood is an attractive silvery-green colour as well as being sturdy and has long been used to make country walking sticks. Chestnut wood is easy to work and to stain which is ideal to create a shepherd's crook. One of our sticks is made out of highly polished Swaledale ramshorn and the shaft is made out of hazel wood, known for its distinctive colouring and texture.
The shepherd's crooks are fitted with a smart or plain metal, rubber or horn ferrule. Since these sticks are natural products, lengths of each item may vary slightly. One of the models can be unscrewed and transported in two parts.
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(Code: 3128)
Chestnut Shepherd's <br>Crook
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